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Is Your Marketing Team Ready for the Cookieless Era? Key Reasons to Prepare with CDP

Updated: Jul 18


Cookieless represents a shift towards ethical data use, prioritizing user consent and control. The cookieless era can be traced back to growing concerns about privacy and data protection.

  • Privacy as a Fundamental Right: Tech giants like Apple and Microsoft have stated that "Privacy is a fundamental human right". This sentiment has been increasingly echoed by consumers and regulators alike.

  • Deprecation of Third-Party Cookies: In 2014, Apple's Safari browser launched a functionality allowing users to block third-party cookies while surfing the web. This introduced Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP), which significantly limited the effectiveness of third-party cookies.

  • Growing Demand for Transparency: There has been a growing global demand for privacy and data protection. Regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) have set new standards, shifting the digital landscape towards a more privacy-conscious framework.

  • Google's Announcement: Google announced in early 2020 that it would phase out support for third-party cookies in its Chrome browser. This announcement marked a significant milestone in the journey towards a cookieless future.

  • Industry Reaction: The industry's reaction to Google's announcement has been mixed, ranging from skepticism to proactive adaptation. Many organizations have begun to explore alternative technologies and strategies to adapt to this new landscape.

As we stand on the brink of the cookieless era in 2024, the advertising landscape is undergoing a seismic shift in targeting and personalization. With the planned phase-out of third-party cookies, first-party data has become more important than ever. Marketers are realizing the need for a personal approach, which involves collecting as much first-party data as possible. This can include emails, phone numbers, addresses, purchase history, and cookies with customer consent.

First-party data can include a variety of information such as:

●      Demographic information

●      Behaviors or actions taken across your website, app, or product

●      Data in your CRM

●      Social media conversations

●      Subscription-based emails or products

●      Survey data

●      Customer feedback

●      Customer purchase history

●      Online chat transcripts

First-party data is collected by adding tracking pixels to your website, product, or social media profile that collects information about behaviors and actions and records it within your CRM or CDP. For example, whenever a visitor lands on or clicks on your website, looks at your products, or engages with a social media post, the pixel will collect and record that action. You can also collect first-party data from customer surveys you send to your audiences, conversations with customers, or from any direct information about their experience that customers have shared with you or your business specifically.

First-party data is important because it’s collected directly from the people you have the most to learn from — your own audience. There is no third party collecting the data or getting in the way of collection; it’s just you and your audiences. Having this information also makes it easier for you to retarget and nurture your audiences based on what you’ve learned about them. It also helps you make informed decisions and changes to your business processes or products based on what your audiences say they do or do not like. According to Think With Google and Boston Consulting Group, brands using first-party data in key marketing functions achieved a 2.9X revenue lift and a 1.5X increase in cost savings.

Salesforce Data Cloud is preparing for a cookieless future by focusing on first-party data and providing tools for data-driven marketing, personalized customer experiences, and cross-channel marketing performance. This makes it a compelling choice for marketers navigating the transition to a cookieless era. Salesforce Data Cloud is being recognized as a valuable tool in the upcoming cookieless era for several reasons:

Data-Driven Marketing: Salesforce Data Cloud helps in developing new data-driven marketing strategies for personalization and measurement as browsers phase out the third-party cookie.

Unified Customer Profiles: Salesforce allows you to build a complete view of each customer with unified profiles and then personalize seamlessly across channels.

Infrastructure for the Shift: Building the infrastructure necessary to make the shift ahead of time is going to be the winning stroke. Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a solution that is built around the customer.

Cross-Channel Marketing Performance: Tools like Datorama can join various sources to understand cross-channel marketing performance. Using first-party data in Datorama gives marketers the tools necessary to develop relevant landing page personalization, more targeted segmenting and messaging, and the creation of engaging lead-nurturing journeys.

In summary, first-party data is a valuable resource for businesses as it provides direct insights into the behaviors and preferences of their audience, enabling more effective targeting, personalization, and decision-making. Saas platform like Salesforce Data Cloud will be one of the top brands as the


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